Este curso te ayudará a alcanzar, o consolidar, un nivel de inglés avanzado (C1), lo cual te permitirá expresarte con fluidez y espontáneamente, sin esfuerzo con hablantes nativos.
Ampliarás tu comprensión de frases y expresiones relacionadas con temas concretos y más abstractos, de tal manera que te prepararás para comunicarte con fluidez y espontaneidad en el trabajo, la vida social o cuando estás de vacaciones. Te será más fácil comunicar ideas más abstractas, sin la necesidad de 'buscar' las palabras o expresiones más avanzadas.
Podrás hacer un uso flexible y efectivo del idioma para fines sociales, académicos y profesionales, pudiendo expresarte de una forma bien estructurada y mostrando un uso correcto de los mecanismos de organización, articulación y cohesión.
Así mismo, mejorarás tu conocimiento de los errores típicos que cometen los estudiantes de inglés como segunda lengua a este nivel, de tal forma que los podrás evitar.
Este curso está especialmente dirigido a aquellas personas que necesiten comunicarse en inglés a diario -ya sea en el trabajo, el estudio o viajando - y que quieran comunicarse con fluidez y precisión.
Es muy recomendable poseer por lo menos conocimientos intermedios-altos (B2) del inglés, dado que sin ellos algunos temas y actividades (la gramática, el vocabulario y los audios) podrían resultar complicados.
Tener este nivel mínimo permitirá al alumnado aprovechar el curso y el lenguaje estudiado.
To acquire the vocabulary needed to talk comfortably about friendships and relationships. To be able to refer to past events accurately, using the present perfect and past simple with a good degree of control.
To be able to use modal verbs for speculating about the past, as well as giving your opinion on past events. To be able to make small talk and keep conversations going, clarifying and asking for clarification when needed.
To count on a range of vocabulary, as well as idiomatic expressions to talk about work. To be able to use third conditional sentences with a good degree of control when talking about the past.
To be comfortable using the passive voice and causative verbs in different tenses. To be able to express regrets using a wide range of fixed expressions and the unreal past.
To be capable of talking about city and rural life. To be able to use a range of verb patterns and prepositional phrases, including reflexive and reciprocal pronouns with control.
To better understand the use of typically-misused quantifiers, as well as count n a range of idiomatic expressions containing quantifiers. To be able to express opinion and annoyance.
To be able to talk about culture and the differences found between different ways of life and customs. To be able to use adverb intensifiers with both gradable and extreme adjectives, as well as a variety of C1-level adverb-adjective collocations.
To be capable of explaining that a situation has gone smoothly, or has been problematic, as well as expressing thoughts concisely through the use of participle clauses for reason, result and time.
To count on a wide range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions for talking about leisure activities. To be able to use elipsis as a way of making your English sound more natural and concise.
To be able to use inversions as a means of adding emphasis to formal and informal spoken and written English, as well as being comfortable giving good and bad news, and receiving it gracefully and naturally.
To count on a wider range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions for talking about technology, applications and gadgets. To be able to use nominalisation to express thoughts more concisely in academic and more informal situations.
To be capable of expressing probability and likelihood when talking about future events, using a range of expressions, as well as being able to talk about the 'past future'.
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